If you're still a student, you have to declare to your insurer that you are a student as your occupation. Although there are not that many specific insurance plans for students, telling your insurer that you are one and where you are studying could lead to some advantages.
Where you currently reside often has a significant effect on your auto insurance premium rates, primarily because of the various regulations that each state requires. In most states with high living expenses, auto insurance prices are three to four times higher on average compared to the cheapest ones.
Acquiring the right auto insurance plan will save you from financial risks that you could gain from causing damage to someone on their property with your vehicle. Car insurance covers several situations in which you are paying for medical and repair bills. Read on further to know which type of insurance plan to get.
Commercial vehicle insurance covers any liabilities and physical damage not included in your personal auto insurance policy. This policy covers various commercial vehicles such as trucks, cars, and vans. As ensuring your business is protected comes at a cost, there are ways to lower your insurance costs:
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